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My father used to say, “Chuck doesn’t do anything in halves.” He was right: sometimes its a virtue and sometimes a curse. He and my mother taught me to cook, sometimes using cookbooks, like Julia Child's, but more frequently just winging it. This site is a roller coaster ride of recipes, articles, ingredients and anything else that involves cooking and presenting food. There is something here for everybody from beginners to experts.

Cooking Temps

Chicken breast 165, Chicken thigh 170 or more. Pork med well 145, Pork med 140, Rack of lamb med rare 131, Beef very rare 125, Beef rare 130,Beef med rare 135, Duck Breast 126, Salmon med 118, Disclaimer: USDA stds dictate much higher temps. To be super safe, cook everything until it is dry and crunchy, then toss it in the trash

Reduce Glucose spike by Eating More?

      I did an experiment. I ate a giant Asian pear on an empty stomach. Then did the same thing, but after I ate a bowel of steamed vegetables and chicken.  On an empty stomach my glucose peaked at 200. After a meal, the spike was 164, which is an 18% reduction, and the spike duration was reduced by 42%.  Protein, fat, and fiber reduce the uptake of glucose and fructose. In my experiment, consuming a fructose load after a meal reduced the peak and duration of the glucose spike. This also happens with the ingestion of carbohydrates. This is the basis for the advice "Never eat naked carbs!'" Consume, protein, fat, and fiber before you consume carbohydrates, like pasta, potatoes, bread etc..